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How would you feel if your child went into cardiac arrest at home ?

Jason's True Heart Transplant Story 

Writing is my joy and lifeblood! I enjoy entertaining others through telling stories: my own,  family favorites, history, biography,  and  historical fiction. I am full of stories to share. A Whisper of Springtime: Jason's Heart Transplant Miracle is our miracle story, told from Utah, & Idaho to Southern California at LLUMC. The true story of my son's transplant will grip your heart and mind. 

$17.99. Soft 389 p. 20 photos. Order at: or at

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coming soon. A King Tut novel called Joseph: based on King Tut the Musical by Tedi & Jason Wixom

 A Whisper of Springtime: Jason's Heart Translplant Miracle.
Now for sale!! by TEDI TUTTLE WIXOM
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Order A Princess, Dragon, & Baker from Goodheart Press today. First Ed. 40 pages. paper. 3rd grade or younger. 

$11.99. This is NOT in public domain. Copyright 1994

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